17 March 2020

Hate the pet peeve!

If I have to choose one thing that really annoys me these days is... how easily so many people get annoyed about everything these days! It seems that nothing is good enough for anybody anymore and everybody has the right to complain about even the tiniest, most insignificant flaw they are likely to come across whenever they purchase something or require some kind of service from somebody. Call me easygoing if you like, but I'm sick and tired of having to put up with all those bloody, fussy people who just can't take things as they come. Are you one of those, like Simon or Ruth? Come on, vent your anger, we're all ears!


Unknown said...

Yes, there're some things that really annoy me... Here they're:

- I can't stand people who repeat the same simple idea several times in the same sentence. The worst thing is that sometimes I do it too...
- It really makes me sick when someone honks the horn without any dangerous reason.
- I hate it when chain-smokers don't empty the overflowing ashtray after they have been smoking. It's so disgusting!
- What I can't bear is people who criticize others for their physical flaws, or for what they see as such.
- I'm really fed up with the general waste of water and energy: drought and global warming are as obvious as alarming.

Unknown said...

I´m Tamara González and I also have a list of things that I really can´t stand:
- Ican´t stand people who chew making noises.
- It really makes me mad when classmates don´t make their part in a group activity.
-It really makes me sick when other drivers park the car where it`s forbidden.
-I get really angry when somebody tells me what I have to do.
-I get really annoyed when someone tells me how to do something.
-What I can´t bear is the housework.
-What I can´t stand is noisy people.
-I´m really fed up with people who is always complaining.
-I`m really sick of rude people.

Unknown said...

Here you are some things that make me feel very upset:

- I get really angry when someone snores when I want to sleep.
- I can’t stand the people who look at you from the bottom to the top shamelessly.
- I’m fed up with the people who shout or talk loudly in the bus.
- I’m really sick of people who don’t think of the rest of the world when they park the car in any way and don’t leave place for other people.
- I can’t stand the people who stand you up after arranging a meeting.
- It makes me sick when something bad is happening and people shooting with the cellphone instead of helping.

Mariano Latorre said...

-I can´t stand people who feed stray cats!!
-It really makes me sick when elderly people have to live on their own.
-I get really angry when people make fake emergency-calls.
-What I can´t bear is a fly buzzing around when I´m sleeping.
-I´m really fed up with corrupt politicians.

Well, don´t you agree with me?

Unknown said...

- I can't stand people who moves their knee constantly when they're sitting.

- It really makes me sick when people crack their knuckles, but I do that too!

- I get really angry when people look at their phones while they're walking.

In spite of these things, I've a pet hate: I need keep the closet door closed!

ANA said...

- I can't stand people who tap their pencil on the desk constantly.
- What really makes me mad is two-faced people.
- I get really angry when my son doesn't make his bed.
- What I can't stand is to step on bread crumbs.
- I'm really fed up with the pupils who don't do their homework.

Unknown said...

I can´t stand people who chew bubble gum with their mouth open because they make a lot of noise and I can´t concentrate. It really makes me sick when people shouts on the street, so I think I dislike noises, but I also make noise when I crack my knuckles, so... I think I can´t complain.
I get really angry when my sister moves my stuff from its place. I´m really organized and
she´s not. I can´t stand when she enters my bedroom just to look at herself in the mirror.
I´m really fed up with my friends arriving late when we meet because I always have to wait.

Unknown said...

Hi everybody!
I can't stand people who constantly complain about everything.
It really makes me sick when other drivers don't respect the safety distance to overtake.
I get really annoyed when everybody is talking at the same time and nobody listens to what I want to say.
What I can't bear is when dishes are in the table getting cold and people take ages to come to the table.
I'm really fed up with the Catalan process.

Unknown said...
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